NHC Institute '09:Cones, soft-serve, study, & song
Second, I'm thoroughly enjoying being able to eat soft-serve ice cream in a cone in the fully-kashered and rabbinically-supervised cafeteria. Usually, I avoid both cones and soft ice cream because I don't know whether they're kosher.
Okay, now for the reason we're here: We came to the National Havurah Institute to study and hang out with other Jews.
I'm studying
- the meaning of P'shat, so-called literal interpretation, and
- modern ways of approaching the Shmittah year (with a teacher who studied the law of Shmittah last year, which was a Shmittah year, in Israel.) You may remember him from his comment to this post about last year's NYC Institute.
Go read the course descriptions on the NHC website, linked above, while I head off to a round-singing workshop. L'hitraot, see you later.
Here's the round-up of my posts about last year's NHC Institute.
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